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Home > Schools > School of Legal Studies & Governance

The ideas that go on to change the world

They are launching, Right

Advancing the frontiers of
legal education for a Digital India


Legal Studies is not an autonomous domain! It is, by its very nature, ‘transdisciplinary’. The fundamental premise is that law and legal studies can be better understood and practiced with a transdisciplinary perspective of the problem or issue. The connectedness of knowledge, application of skills, and transfer to a real-world setting should be the hallmarks of legal education.

The School of Legal Studies and Governance is established with a focus of providing a transdisciplinary multidimensional legal education. Part of the concentric arrangement of the Schools at the University, learning at this School provides a strong platform to explore Law at various intersections, and build holistic and diverse perspectives.

Advocacy is a conscious act of support, expressed by speaking or writing on behalf of another person, an idea, a cause or a policy. Advocacy means taking action to create change. It involves a problem-solving approach designed to protect the interests and rights of an individual or a group.

There are different kinds of advocacy, one of them being legal advocacy. Legal advocacy encompasses a range of abilities including case analysis, drafting, making oral submissions, cross-examining witnesses and being able to put forward a strong and persuasive case.

Advocacy is important for developing communication, research skills and knowledge of courtroom etiquette and practice. Good advocacy skills are important because they allow legal practitioners to present their cases in a clear, organized and efficient manner, with the ultimate aim of persuading a court or tribunal of fact or law. It is a highly sought after skill across the legal sector and other professions.

Why Legal Studies at
Vidyashilp University (VU)?

Vidyashilp University is located in the heart of Bengaluru, the hub of innovation. As deep tech, commerce, art, finance, and business start-ups flourish in the digital space, how do antitrust provisions and intellectual property protections such as copyrights, trademarks, and patents uphold the rights of authors, scientists, entrepreneurs, and other creators?

Vidyashilp University endeavors to be at the forefront of legal studies and practice in critical areas that will impact the contribution from such innovations.

Based on the guidelines of the Bar Council of India (BCI), the 5-year Law Programs at VU sets a student up to emerge as a leader and future change-maker in this thriving and innovative economy.

Programs Offered

*BCI Approved vide BCI Notification BCI: D: 755: 2023
(LE / Std: 27.05.2023) Dated 17th June 2023



In recent times, a culmination of factors has prepared India for transformation in the justice delivery framework.

  • Increased appetite for change
  • The need to decongest our courts
  • The demand for affordable and effective dispute resolution mechanisms
  • And most importantly, the availability of technology

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) is often simplistically understood to mean e-ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) or ADR that is enabled through technology. However, its potential benefits extend far beyond. ODR can help in not just dispute resolution but also in dispute containment, dispute avoidance and promotion of general legal health of the country. It shifts the focus from adversarial court procedures to collaborative, mediated solutions.
Therefore, the School of Legal Studies and Governance has set out to establish The Vidyashilp Centre for ADR. This Centre will enable students and faculty to pursue studies, practice skills and research in areas of ADR such Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation and Negotiation and potential applications of ODR. The Centre will forge collaborations with organizations and academic institutions to promote the study and practice of ADR and ODR.

Study at VU