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Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence

Education is a process of living life and not just a preparation for future living. Through innovative approaches to teaching and learning, Vidyashilp University unleashes the potential to make education personalized, interconnected and seamless.


VU’s primary educational goal is the cultivation of deep domain knowledge within each student’s chosen field. We believe that investing in all our domains with differentiated focus areas is essential to create intellectual capital, drive progress and achieve excellence.
Key Drivers for building Domain Expertise:
VU is on the path to be recognized as a destination for outstanding talent. We will continue to focus on attracting and retaining a diverse and inclusive community of students, faculty and staff, in a culture where teaching, research, innovation, entrepreneurial thinking, and social engagement are highly valued. Overall, Vidyashilp University fosters a culture of support for professional development.
VU is building strong collaborative relationships with industry, business, academia, and society in multi-faceted approaches to solving problems. We aim to provide our students and faculty with the tools to integrate research perspectives and provide innovative solutions, with an emphasis on deep interdisciplinary knowledge and design thinking
We are committed to ensuring that students, faculty, and staff have the best physical infrastructure and state-of-the-art laboratories, library, IT resources, classrooms, residence halls, recreational areas, and entertainment venues. We trust that these facilities empower the work of our faculty, staff, and students; and help attract the best and the brightest minds — to discover, teach, learn, live, and play