Digital Business
Digital Business isn't just about using technology and automation. It's a fundamental shift in the way businesses create value for themselves and their customers. Industry 4.0, otherwise known as the fourth industrial revolution, has become a central point of discussion for today's business leaders, compelling them to embrace new perspectives and react to new opportunities.
The general definition of Industry 4.0 is the rise of the digital industrial technology. The business paradigm has changed from an economy based on natural resources, physical inputs, and value chains based on physical infrastructure into one based on new knowledge and digital technology. Digital Business is changing the way organizations use and think about technology, moving technology from a supporting player to a leading player in innovation, revenue, and market growth.
The future of business will be digital. That much is certain. The need is to educate future business leaders who understand the opportunities and challenges of Industry 4.0 and Digital Business, make informed decisions, and shape the digital transformation in their organizations. In order to qualify future managers to successfully handle these challenges, the School of Business Studies offers a curriculum with the Digital Business concentration.
The objective of the School of Business Studies is to develop the future generation of business leadership, and to push the envelope of knowledge in the fields of Business Management. The School stresses the ability to analyze, innovate and solve problems and to expand one's horizons, especially suited to students who strive for knowledge, seek intellectual stimulation and an exciting learning experience.

The Vidyashilp
Vidyashilp lives by its key attributes and works to translate these attributes onto its graduates as well.
The unique "VU Experience" aims to create graduates who are:

These attributes are inculcated through engagements that create necessary exposure in and out of the classroom. The university resonates these values through faculty-student engagement and bonding, personal mentoring sessions, counselling for self-growth, and the development of the Vidyashilp attributes and values.
Advantages of
programs under the
School of Business Studies:
- Aligned to the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) guidelines
- Strong Foundations in General Management and a focus on the interdisciplinary domains of Digital Business.
- Business Education to create value
- Development of Personal Management and Leadership Skills