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School Of Liberal Arts And Design Studies

Integrated Education

Liberal Arts made up the basic educational system in Greece and has developed from ancient times where grammar, rhetoric and logic were the main elements to far more specialized fields today. A Liberal Arts education offers an expansive intellectual grounding in all kinds of humanistic inquiry. “Liberal Arts education is a vital foundation for both individual flourishing and the well-being of our society.” Christopher Eisgruber, President, Princeton University.

Keeping the essence intact Liberal Arts does not focus on subject knowledge alone but looks at the holistic development of the graduate by fostering creative and independent thought through a holistic educational system. The idea is based on, as stated by Dr. Krishnan, Education specialist “Education is something that should prepare you to lead a successful life (whatever measure of success you go by), not merely equip you with half the skills and knowledge required to find your place in some industry and survive paycheque to paycheque.”

The ideologies of Liberal Arts and Vidyashilp University's attributes are closely linked. An interdisciplinary culture is the need of the hour in India and VU offers the same. Student-teacher relationships are built and encouraged for a smooth University experience. These ideologies help break the chains of structured knowledge and help the graduate in exploring wider views of critical thinking and question existing ideologies at an individual capacity. This broader form of thinking and possession of real-world skills creates leaders of tomorrow.

The Vidyashilp

Vidyashilp lives by its key attributes and works to translate these attributes onto its graduates as well.
The unique "VU Experience" aims to create graduates who are:

These attributes are inculcated through engagements that create necessary exposure in and out of the classroom. The university resonates these values through faculty-student engagement and bonding, personal mentoring sessions, counselling for self-growth, and the development of the Vidyashilp attributes and values.

Study at VU